School Communications

Parent-Teacher Communications - The Red Folder
All students have a red communication folder with a PS11 logo that goes home with
them every night and returns to school with them every morning. The folders will hold important notices for families and may serve as a vehicle to return notes or permission slips to teachers. It is imperative that parents check the folders each night and return them to school daily in their child's backpack. Parents will be responsible for replacing lost, misplaced or damaged folders.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meetings
PTA general meetings, usually held on the third Wednesday of every month, are a great way to keep on top of important PS11 news including PTA events, DOE initiatives and school-wide programs. Regular speakers include Principal Hope, PTA executive board members and committee chairs. Parents are encouraged to get involved, ask questions, voice their opinions and volunteer new ideas for fundraising and community building. Check the calendar on our website home page to stay current on PTA meeting schedules.
Listserve Emails
The PS11 PTA listserve is an email-based communication group that serves members of the school community. The listserve is used for discussion of general school issues. All posts must be respectful and should adhere to the rules of internet etiquette. Only school staff, parents and caregivers of PS11 students may join and post to the list serve. To join, please send an email to: Include your name, your child(ren)'s name, and your child(ren)'s teacher. Requests will not be processed without this information.
The PTA Facebook page provides updates on school events and can be accessed on Facebook from the following link -