Lunch Forms Must be Filled Out!

 Even if you are ineligible or do not intend to have your child eat school breakfast, lunch, or after-school snack, you MUST sign and return the form. 

Please click here to complete the form online.

  • A free hot lunch is available daily to eligible students.
  • Early in the fall, all families must complete and return the Application for Free and Reduced Priced Meals.
  • Eligibility is based on the household size and monthly gross income.
  • It is important that all parents complete this form, as it affects the school’s funding status for supplies, extended days and several programs including reduced class size, additional support staff and specialized non-mandated programs.
  • Your child may not be able to participate in some after school activities and receive a snack without a lunch form on file.
  • You may choose to fill out the form online instead of submitting a paper form.